11 Maret 2008



Illustration of the Lima Document on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry[1]

The baptismal liturgy takes place
between the Liturgy of the Word and the Eucharist.

The welcome
N. (names of the parents, or of the adult seeking baptism) as a Christian community we welcome you with great joy to celebrate the baptism that you request [for N., child's name], a baptism of water and the spirit, in which the covenant with God, Creator and Father, is renewed in forgiveness, in which Christ makes us pass through his death and resurrection to be born into new life, in which the Holy Spirit is given us, to bring us into the body of the Church.

The thanksgiving (offered near the water of baptism)
The Lord be with you.
‑ And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
- We lift them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
- It is right to give him thanks and praise.
It is truly right and fitting to give you glory, to offer you our thanksgiving loving Father, all‑powerfull Creator: who give us water, water which gives life, cleanses and satisfies our thirst.
‑ Blessed be you, 0 Lord.
By your invisible power, 0 Lord, you perform wonders in your sacraments, and in the history of salvation you have used water, which you have created, to make known to us the grace of baptism.
- Blessed be you, 0 Lord.
At the beginning of the world your Spirit hovered over the waters, prepared your work of creation, and planted the seed of life.
- Blessed be you, 0 Lord.
By the waters of the Flood You declared the death of sin and the birth of a new life.
- Blessed be you, 0 Lord.

You brought the children of Abraham through the waters of the Red Sea, and people, freed from slavery, journeyed towards the Promised Land.
- Blessed be you, 0 Lord.

You beloved Son was baptized by John in the waters of Jordan, was anointed by the Spirit and appointed prophet, priest and king.
- Blessed be you, 0 Lord.

Lifted up from the earth on the cross, your Son was immersed in the baptism of suffering; he has cast fire upon the earth to set hearts aflame and draw all people to himself.
- Blessed be you, 0 Lord.

The risen Christ said to his disciples: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, the. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”
- Blessed be you, 0 Lord.

And now, o Lord, look in love upon your Church, and by your Holy Spirit let the spring of baptism well up among us: may your servant, made in your image, God our Father, be cleansed of all that disfigures that likeness; may he/she be buried with Christ into death and be raised with him to life; may he/she receive the Holy Spirit so as to witness to the Gospel in the Church for the word.
- Blessed be you, 0 Lord.

The exhortation
(for the baptism of a child)
Dear parents and sponsors, the child which you present for baptism is now to be baptized: in his love, God will give him/her a new life; he/she will be born again of water and the Spirit. Be careful to help him/her grow in faith, that this life of new birth may not grow weak through sin or indifference, but that it may grow stronger in him/her day by day. As a sign that you are prepared for this responsibility, I invite you to recall your own baptism and to declare your faith in Jesus Christ, the faith of the universal Church into which every Christian is baptized.


(for the baptism of an adult)
N., you are now to be baptized: in his love, God will give you a new life; you will be born again of water and the Spirit. Be careful to grow in faith, that this life of new birth in you may not grow weak through sin or indifference, but that it may grow stronger in you day by day. As a sign that you are ready to commit yourself in faith to the service of Christ and his Church, I invite you to fight against the power of evil, and to declare your faith in Jesus Christ, the faith of the universal Church into which every Christian is baptized.

The renunciation
(may be used at the baptism of an adult) So as to live in the liberty of the sons and daughters of God, to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ and to produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit, do you renounce being ruled by the desires of this world, the snare of pride, the love of money, and the power of violence?
- I renounce them.

The declaration of faith
Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
‑ I do so believe.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary; who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried, and descended to the dead; who rose again on the third day, ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead?
- I do so believe.
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and t everlasting?
‑ I do so believe.


The Apostles' Creed.

At the baptism of a child, the parents and sponsors are asked: Do you wish N. to be baptized in the faith of the Church which we have just declared
‑ We do.
At the baptism of an adult, the candidate is asked: Do you wish to be baptized in the faith of the Church which we have just declared?
‑ I, do.

The baptism
N., I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The laying on of hands or chrismation
Receive the seal of the gift of the Spirit: may it make you a faithful witness to Christ to the glory of God the Father. (silence)

For you, there is a new act of creation. You have put on Christ.

(The person baptized may receive a white garment.) You will be guided by the Spirit of light. (He/she may receive a candle lit from the pascal candle.) You are now part of the body of the Church. You are a member of the royal priesthood, the holy fellowship. (He/she may be given the sign of the cross in oil on the forehead.) You belong to the people chosen to proclaim the praise of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Alleluia!

Max Thurian and Geoffrey Wainwright, Baptism and Eucharist Ecumenical Convergence in Celebration, WCC 1983, 94-96.

[1] Composed by Fr Max Thurian.

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